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Christmas essay in english

Christmas essay in english

christmas essay in english

Nov 27,  · Simple Essay on Christmas in English. Christmas is one of the major festivals of Christianity. The festival of Christmas is celebrated not only in India but in the whole world. This festival is celebrated every year on 25th December. The Christmas festival is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ. This festival is a very happy day for Christians Essay on Christmas: Origin, Importance and Conclusion – Essay 2 ( Words) Introduction: Christmas is the season of joy, peace, and happiness. It is the special season set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Though this was its original purpose, the celebration of Christmas has grown to become a symbolic time for living in peace and blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins May 24,  · Christmas Essay In English Christmas is a holiday celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ. Every year, December 25 is celebrated around the world as the birthday of Jesus Christ. According to the Christian faith, Christmas marks the beginning of a day festival called ‘Christmastide’.Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins

Essay on Christmas in English for Students | Easy & Short Essay on Christmas

Every year, people celebrate Christmas on December 25th to celebrate the Birthday of Jesus. We have come up with a brief introduction about the Christmas celebration, history, and preparation to draft an effective essay on Christmas in every essay writing competition. Children can find a short essay on Christmas, a Merry Christmas essay in English, My Christmas celebration essay, and how I spent my Christmas vacation essay here on this page.

This festival commemorates the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ — the Messiah of God. Although it is a Christian festival, people from different communities celebrate it with great fervour and enthusiasm. A Christmas tree is an artificial pine tree that is decorated with lights, artificial stars, flowers, toys, and bells all over it. It looks beautiful when the christmas essay in english is complete.

Churches are decorated with lights during Christmas and people hang star lanterns outdoors to mark the onset of the festive season. All members of the family sit and pray together in praise of Jesus Christ. Kids are especially enthusiastic about Christmas as they expect Santa Claus to visit them and bring gifts to their homes on the night of Christmas Eve and the early hours of Christmas day.

Christmas essay in english are christmas essay in english under the Christmas tree which is wrapped in gift boxes and opened on the day of Christmas. Christmas is a festival which is cherished by people from all faiths and religions, christmas essay in english.

It reminds us of christmas essay in english importance of sharing, exchanging gifts, and living in peace and harmony with our family and friends. Christmas is the season of joy, peace, and happiness. It is the special season set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Though christmas essay in english was its original purpose, the celebration of Christmas has grown to become a symbolic time for living in peace and love. Christmas is essentially a reminder of why we should stick to the deepest parts of our humanity.

That is, through celebration, we are reminded that we should share, give to the less privileged, spend time with loved ones and have a positive outlook about life in general. Many people assume Christmas is strictly a Christian celebration and they would be right if modern evidence is to christmas essay in english considered.

However, with regards to its origin, this notion cannot be farther from the truth. In actual sense, Christmas originated a few decades after the birth of Jesus in the old Roman Empire. Christmas emanated as the Pagan celebration of the concept known as Saturnalia.

This celebration was aimed at celebrating the return of the sun and the end of winter. The celebration is usually a weeklong affair and is marked by lawless activity and a system of penal exemption from lawless acts such as housing breaking. In the 4th century, Christians adapted christmas essay in english last day of Saturnalia to be the celebration of Christmas, christmas essay in english. The aim was to get the pagans to associate this period with positive things.

Consequently, lots of pagans converted to Christianity on the promise that they could still celebrate their tradition in this day. Whether Jesus was actually born on the 25 of December is not substantiated by historical evidence. Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why do we go the extra mile to celebrate, give and create an atmosphere of merriment? The answers to these questions are numerous but we would mention a few. People do shopping on Christmas and decorative items like food, cake, sweets, christmas essay in english, decorating lights, and other things.

Many Schools and Churches prepare a song for skits to be performed on Christmas Day, which is usually about the stories of the birth of Jesus Christ as in the Bible. The church and schools are also being decorated for this special event; traveling plans for families are also made with friends. Christmas eve is also a day when we are still preparing for Christmas.

By packing gifts and decorating the tree and house. Christmas Day is associated with a number of festivals all over the world, including numerous people who are generally known, Christian.

Activities on Christmas Day are usually very few because everything was prepared in advance on the eve the day begins with an account on at p.

whereby people shout in celebration when it gets to midnight, Christmas carols are played on radios and television to mark the day. Most families start by going to Church where performances and songs are done, then later they join their families to exchange gifts and celebrate with food and music. Santa Claus or Father Christmas is a figure originating from the Western Christian culture, which is believed to bring gifts to disciplined children during Christmas.

Children tend to behave well as they anticipate gifts from Santa. Santa Claus is one of the critical parts of the celebrations of Christmas. Santa gives gifts to the good children on Christmas eve, which is on the 24th December night for that children sleep early on this day hoping to get a gift from Santa Claus when they get christmas essay in english the next morning. As Christmas is celebrated in many countries, there are few countries where Christmas is certainly not a formal festival which includes Afghanistan and Bhutan, Cambodia, christmas essay in english, China, christmas essay in english Hong Kong and Macau, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, christmas essay in english, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, The United Arab Emirates among others however with the changing times even people from these countries have started to celebrate this festival.

India has a substantial population of Christians; moreover, being a secular country festivals of all religions is being celebrated with equal charge and electricity. Christmas is not different from festivals celebrated in India, people from all religions and Faith celebrate it. Whether in India, there are many questions about this festival. It is made with full joy and happiness in India by everyone. Christmas is a festival which is celebrated by people from all religions and Faith.

World wide despite it being a Christian festival, it is the essence of this festival, christmas essay in english Unites the people so much. We should learn the importance of such unity from this festival, and despite our religious differences, we should all celebrate the festival together. Festivals are probably christmas essay in english medium that has the power to keep people United for the betterment of humanity in the future. In conclusion, Christmas is the best time of the year christmas essay in english both children and adults too.

Christmas is a yearly festival which is celebrated on the birth of Jesus Christ, on December 25 by most people in the world. A few parts of Eastern Christians use the Julian system which marks it on January 7 on the Gregorian calendar, which is December 25 as indicated by their calendar.

Armenian Churches have been celebrating Christmas on January 6 even before the Gregorian calendar started. Most Armenian Christians still use the Gregorian calendar and observe Christmas on January 6. In spite of all the controversies around the date, Christmas is regarded as a religious and social festival among people all over the world. It is the major Christian festival of the year. The Nativity accounts of Matthew and Luke are noticeable in the accounts and early Christian authors recommended different dates for the start of this festival.

The first recorded Christmas festivity was in Rome in the year Christmas assumed a job in the Arian debate of the fourth century. In the early Middle Ages, it was dominated by Epiphany, christmas essay in english. However, it regained its popularity after the yearwhen Charlemagne was delegated as the head on Christmas Day. Today, most Christians celebrate on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar, which has been received generally in the common calendars used by nations all through the world.

Be that as it may, some Eastern Christian Churches observe this festival on December 25 of the more seasoned Julian timetable, which right now relates to January 7 in the Gregorian calendar.

In the Council of Tours ofthe Church, with its craving to be general announced the twelve days among Christmas and Epiphany to be one bound together festal cycle. Christmas Day is associated with a number of celebrations all over the world including numerous people who are generally non-Christian. In some non-Christian regions, times of previous provincial guideline presented the festival such as Hong Kong.

In others, Christian minorities or remote social impacts have driven people to celebrate this festival. Nations, for example, Japan, where Christmas is prevalent in spite of there being just a few Christians, have embraced huge numbers of the common parts of Christmas, for example, present-giving, decorations, and Christmas trees.

Countries in which Christmas is certainly not a formal festival include Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, with the exception of Hong Kong and Macau, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, christmas essay in english, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, the United Arab Emirates among others. However, with the changing times, even people from these countries have started to celebrate this festival. India has a substantial population of Christians.

Moreover, being a secular country, festivals of all religions are celebrated with equal charm and anxiety. Christmas is not different from festivals celebrated in India. People from all religions and faith celebrate it. Schools organize special assemblies in order to make children aware of the importance of this festival, christmas essay in english.

People decorate their homes and give gifts to children. The activity of decorating the trees on this day has a long history. The heart-molded leaves of ivy were said to symbolize the coming to earth of Jesus, while holly was viewed as a defense against witches. Its red berries and thistles represent the Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus at the execution and the blood he shed. The Christmas tree was first used by German Lutherans in the sixteenth century, with records demonstrating that such a tree was put in the Cathedral of Strassburg inunder the administration of the Protestant Reformer, christmas essay in english, Martin Bucer.

The Moravians put lit candles on those trees. When finishing the Christmas tree, numerous people put a star at the highest point of the tree symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem, a reality recorded by The School Journal in Christmas essay in english the nineteenth century, christmas essay in english, it wound up prominent for individuals to likewise place an angel on the top of a tree.

This was intended to symbolize the angels referenced in the records of the Nativity of Jesus. The Christmas tree is considered by some as Christianisation of agnostic convention and custom surrounding the Winter Solstice, which combined the use of evergreen limbs, christmas essay in english, and an adjustment of agnostic tree worship. Depending on the regions, there are different traditional cuisines on this day.

A few regions have exceptional suppers for Christmas Eve, for example, Sicily, where 12 sorts of fish are served. In the United Kingdom and nations impacted by its customs, a standard dinner incorporates turkey, goose, or other expansive flying creature, sauce, potatoes, vegetables, now and again bread and juice. Extraordinary treats are likewise arranged, for example, christmas essay in english, pudding, mince pies, nutty surprise, and Yule log cake.

Santa Claus is one of the key parts of the celebrations of Christmas. As per the legend, Santa Claus gives gifts to good children on the christmas essay in english of Christmas which is the night of the 24th December. Children sleep early on this day hoping to get a gift from Santa Claus when they get up the next morning. They also keep cookies and milk near their beds for the Santa and a carrot for the reindeer of the Santa on which he rides as a part of the tradition.

The popular poem Jingle Bells celebrates the coming of Santa to christmas essay in english away the gifts. Christmas is such a festival which is celebrated by people from all religions and faith worldwide despite it being a Christian festival.

10 Easy lines on Christmas Festival in English/Christmas 10 lines in English Essay Writing/Christmas

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Essay on Christmas in English | Short and Long Christmas Essays for Kids

christmas essay in english

Dec 19,  · Christmas Essay: Essay on Christmas is an important topic for students to learn. Christmas is one of the biggest annual festivals in the world, with billions partaking in its cultural celebrations. The festival commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ in the month of December; interestingly, historical records nor the Bible mentions the exact day Jesus was blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Nov 27,  · Simple Essay on Christmas in English. Christmas is one of the major festivals of Christianity. The festival of Christmas is celebrated not only in India but in the whole world. This festival is celebrated every year on 25th December. The Christmas festival is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ. This festival is a very happy day for Christians Christmas Essays: My Usual Christmas Holiday - By Shakira A Just before the last day of school I give out presents to my teacher and a few of my friends. I always hope they like what I get them

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